Hippity Hop'n Easter
Avery was hilarious during the Egg hunt. She decided to drive around in the car to get the eggs, then feed her candy to Thumper.
Avery, Macady and Hayley had matching Easter dresses and looked so cute, we had a money hunt and Scott raced all the little kids for a dollar bill and we got to see lots of friends and family:) It was an excellent Easter!
1. I love Rachel's hair 2. I love Macady's face in the picture on the stairs haha 3. Avery is so adorable! 4. I love their matching dresses!
Such a beautiful family!! Avery looks like a natural tickling those ivories ;) Tell Rach I love her hair cut!
Love the Easter dresses, and I'm so glad that Hayley has her little nieces to match with, since she missed the boat with the sisters. Wasn't that so fun to look like a couch when you all sat in a line?
So, you may laugh when I tell you, that I already have Holland enrolled in preschool...I'm not sure I'll actually send her to preschool, or be here for that matter...but anyway if I want her to get in to this preschool you pretty much have to sign up right after you give birth. BUT while I was checking the list there is totally an Avery McDonald. I thought it was interesting.
She's adorable Shellie! And getting so big!~ i love the pic of her feeding thumper!
Love it. Your family pic on the stairs bw turned out better than mine. Send me all the ones with Mac and the sistah pic. It was a Hoppy Easter.
Hey...how are you putting together those pages? What program are you using? Those look great!
lindsmoore55 at yahoo dot com
Avery's dress is so cute!! How fun to be all together for easter!!
ya, whit has been doing hair for like 4 years now, i think:) It still is kinda crazy trusting my baby sister to be close to my head with scissors:)haha
the pictures are fun! Owen and Travis were BOTH sick on Easter Sunday...so we missed church and the fun! :(
Cute cute cute! I wish that I could have seen Avery driving along on her hunt!
She is so adorable! Glad to see you all had a Happy Easter.
So fun to see you on Easters! Ave was so cute!
How fun!!! Those dresses are darling!! Love how she drove around and picked up the candy and shared it with thumper that is great!!
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