Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Garden of Weed'n
Lately we have spent all our free time on our new yard. Growing up with the last name Gardner you would think that I would be some what of a pro. However...I am not:( Avery on the other hand stays close to her Gardner roots by helping us with yard work every chance she gets. She is hilarious and always wants to be right in the middle of whatever we are doing. Which is usually right in the way (hahaha).We have done a lot of work and still have a long way to go. We will have to post before and after pictures when we are done (if we finish before we are 100 years old).
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Liese said...

haha I love her pigtails hahaha so adorable!

Rachel Gillie said...

She looks so happy in the garden. Nice to know that there might be someone on our gene strand who could make Grandpa Gardner proud with their gardening skills.

dani koelliker said...

She is seriously gorgeous! I loove the piggies...can't wait to see you guyss

dani koelliker said...

ps love the title of this post hahah

RachelAA said...

too stinken adorable - and I love the title

lhassler said...

Dang you've got a cute kid!

babyahlgrim said...

SO CUTE!!! HAHAHA Love the pic of her in the piggie tails!!

Melly Mel said...

hahaha i love it... growing up as a gardner...
you are funny!
cute pictures! her hair is to die for!

Greg and Diana said...

So cute...it's great that she's not afraid to get into the dirt and do some gardening!!

ashley said...

garden of weed'n- i just got it! that's funny!

love the little helper!