Thursday, May 13, 2010

Jazzy Jazz
Scott's firm gave us some sweet tickets to a jazz festival last weekend. The music was good, the food was yummy and the weather was perfect! We had a blast and Scott taught Avery some very jazzy dance moves:)Posted by Picasa


mom said...

Little scootie all the way. But she has the craziness of her mother. You are all awesome. We are looking forward to seeing all of you this weekend. And tell Avery that Dumbo is expecting us early thursday morning. Love, Mom

dani koelliker said...

man she is looking so much more like you, but she still hasn't stopped looking like Scott...wish we lived closer!!

Kyle and Amy said...

Look how long her hair is! SO Cute! We miss you guys- cant wait to move out there

Kyle and Amy said...

Hey shellie-
Can you email me that potty training thing you were telling me about that you used with Avery!?

Melly Mel said...

how fun! you guys are so cute.